The Professional

Solution Provider

for Coatings



Product Supplier

for Coatings


Coating Solution



Anti-Corrosion Solutions

This is the most important factor in selecting the material for both the line pipe coating and field joint coating and it is also the foundation and interface between the coating system and cathodic protection system.


Additionally quality and performance are key factors for meeting end user requirements. To achieve these, we believe that digitalized quality assurance and a superior quality control system is paramount.


With more than 20 years of experience studying coating materials both in the laboratory and on-site, Advance Technology will be able to recommend to you the most suitable material for both line pipe and field joint coatings based on the installer’s ability and capacity as well as on-site environmental conditions.


Please contact us for the further information.

Usually, based on the service conditions and  the environmental conditions, the line pipe coating and field joint coating system will be selected based on expectations of coating failure:

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